SJB Equanimity Logo

With the year of lockdowns seriously affecting owners ability to attend clinics and private training sessions at SJB Equestrian, Sarah together with Vicky Perks have developed an ‘online’ presence called SJB Equanimity. Utilising Vicky’s excellent media skills and Sarah’s extensive teaching and training experience in order to bring you a series of videos and Vlogs.

The ethos of SJB Equanimity is to present and promote training methods to help support you and your horses suppleness, maintain their health and promote their general well being. Our techniques are suited to all levels of rider and owner regardless of experience and horses of any age or breed.

Releasing regular on line educational videos giving you easy to understand explanations of the ‘whys’ together with ideas and practical tips to help you and your equine partner develop an even stronger bond. We will cover ridden, inhand, groundwork and general care plus lots more.

A lot of our videos are posted via our youtube channel.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring inspirational training to all horse lovers using simple steps from foundation training through to working with horses at liberty.

Our online learning is interactive giving you support and guidance with other like- minded people. We want to empower all levels and abilities with the knowledge and understanding of your horse’s natural behaviours and instincts, enabling you to have a more fulfilling relationship with your horse.

Through changing your mindset, we aim to help you develop a trusting relationship with your horse. This can be done by helping the owner realise how their behaviour can influence their horse’s behaviour and through spending time with your horse in a way that both you and your horse will love, training can be developed which is more aligned to their natural way of being.

Allowing your horse to exhibit their natural behaviours will really improve the horse-owner relationship.

Our Vision

Our vision is to empower as many people as possible to develop a wide variety of techniques to help with their horse’s development. We believe that groundwork really helps with this, and many riders cannot believe the changes in their horses once they use this in their regular training programme. Sarah has studied both traditional & classical in hand methods and undertaken a Straightness Training course, all which help to develop your horse physically and support the basic Scales of Training.

Clear strategies can help horses become more confident and focus on their work which helps riders with many of the struggles we all have in our riding. Many find this work to be both rewarding and fun and by giving riders a wide variety of tools, it enables them to have a more harmonious relationship with their horse.